- 60-second
Montage of up to 7 images, 1 voice
narrator, background music, script production; uploaded to
YouTube (upon completion) and included on the Cushcity.com
YouTube Channel
ONLY $399.00
- 90-second
Standard: Montage
of up to 10 images, 1 voice narrator, background music, script
production, sound FX if necessary;
uploaded to YouTube (upon
completion) and included on the Cushcity.com YouTube Channel.
ONLY $459.00
- 2-minute
Montage of up to 12 images,
1 voice narrator, background music, script production, sound FX
if necessary; uploaded
to YouTube (upon completion) and included on the Cushcity.com
YouTube Channel.
ONLY $499.00
- 3-minute
Montage of up to 15 images, 1 voice
narrator, background music, script production, sound FX if
necessary; uploaded to
YouTube (upon completion) and included on the Cushcity.com
YouTube Channel.
ONLY $599.00